Ba, toata lumea stie ca pe buda iti vin cele mai bune idei, asa cum, consider eu, ca mi-a venit si mie in cap testu asta in seara asta, in timp ce ma concentram
“Ascultati la mine, orice vor incerca sa faca producatorii astia de gadgeturi, nu o sa aproprie niciodata la capitolul fiabilitate si satisfactie client, de un produs Apple, pentru ca oricat ai incerca sa faci un copil alb sau negru intre doi oameni de culori diferite, tot mulatru o sa iasa. Apple e un fel de neamt nazist care stie ca tre sa imperechezi doua chestii de aceeasi mama, daca vrei calitate pe termen lung. Imperecheri inter-rasiale oricine poate sa faca, dar nimeni nu iti garanteaza rezultatul :)”
Voi puteti sa trageti orice concluzie subiectiva sau rasiala sau de care vreti, eu zic ca asta e o concluzie simpla si la obiect.
E una din legile naturii care zice ca pentru rezultate exceptionale trebuie sa apelezi la solutii simple, de baza. E riscant dar rezulatul e garantat. Great problems have simple solutions. Asta a facut Apple, solutii simple care sa satisfaca nevoile utilizatorului apeland la logica umana, care e la indemana oricarui individ.
Ca idee, un exemplu, daca ai in fata un produs Apple si nu stii cum sa-l operezi, gandeste-te la care ar fi cea mai logica traiectorie pentru a avea rezultatul dorit, pe cand la produsele microsoft trebuie sa inveti logica microsoft ca sa le poti folosi produsele, total pe dos.
Astept comenturi, otherwise o sa consider ca e foarte bine ce am zis aici.
Ai ped review
So, in the last few weeks I had to make a choice, between buying a new laptop for my belloved or giving her my old, but very good Acer Timeline laptop and buying for myself something smaller. I took a look at many options but somehow I my mind remaind on the iPad, allthough I am the adept of the ideea that all the Apple products are way to expensive. But, due to the fact that this week Apple will lounch for sale the new iPad 2 , I found the iPad one at good price and bought it.
I did made some research on the web to see if the iPad will satisfy my needs, with are to be able on the moove to have access tonthe internet instantly and be able to access different comeputrs through remote controll or Vpn, this next to the need of e-mail, witch anyhow I have on my mobile.
Beeing a critical person, I will not talk about the good things that this device has, because you can find them on the official page.
So, let’s cut to the subject. First fizical impressions was nice, like with any other Apple product. Second impression, not so nice, because I found out that you can not start the iPad for the first time without beeing connected to the iTunes 🙁 second bad thing I found is that this particulary iPad came with a US outlet plug. Third bad thing is that it dosen’t charge the battery when connected to the USB.
The rest is Apple. It works fine, looks nice, great battery and display. The touch keyboard it’s verry good. I bought the 16Gb model with a 3G wich was verry easy to set up on the Vodafone network.
I will stop here because it late, but if you have any questions about this device feel free to comment on this post.